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Khi một người bạn do tôi giới thiệu được LOTTE Finance cấp thẻ lần đầu, tối và bạn tôi sẽ được nhận rất nhiều ưu đãi
Hãy giới thiệu thẻ phù hợp với nhu cầu của bạn tôi.
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    ※ Please check before use!

    We can recommend to our family members and friends after registering our web site and having full membership of our card and loan.
    After signing in, it is a method to receive a recommended URL by your phone and send it to your acquaintance.
    Only new members who do not have our card can apply through the recommended URL.
    - New Member: First Member of Lotte Finance (Personal Credit) Card
    You must apply for the card through the dedicated URL for card recommendation.
    Please note that even if you submit an application through a URL that is recommended by existing customers, issuance may be restricted according to the issuance criteria set by Lotte Finance.

    Card Planning: this content will be according to Promotion by Marketing department